Monte Generoso Diffused (Scattered) Hotel Project


The purpose of the Albergo Diffuso Monte Generoso SA (ADMG) is to network and optimally manage the affiliated activities that operate in the hotel industry and to manage public establishments, hotels, residences, holiday homes, B&Bs, restaurants, cafés, and other activities or promotions in the tourist and gastronomic branch. To achieve this objective, ADMG can implement all measures to preserve, revive and promote the Monte Generoso area and the 3 geographical areas:

  • Valle di Muggio

  • Bellavista e Monte Generoso

  • Val Mara

By networking its affiliates, ADMG offers a range of services in connection with logistics, marketing, and communication; activities, experiences and purchasing services. In addition, it takes care of administration, accounting, and personnel management as well as external services.

How it works

The ADMG assists the facility owner in organising the activity, setting prices, furnishing and service parameters. Financial and accounting details will be discussed and defined based on mutual interest to achieve a constructive and functional networking relationship.

The advantages

The main advantage lies in the sharing of several services and activities that would be difficult to offer to guests in the Monte Generoso region if they were to be offered by each individual facility.


How to affiliate

Owners of establishments interested in collaborating with ADMG can contact them directly:

Albergo Diffuso del Monte Generoso SA
Casella Postale 16 
6874 Castel San Pietro
+41 91 684 11 36

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